Day 14: Advent Calendar
We’re using Day 14 of the #JusticeforLB Advent Calendar to share with you some information about upcoming events.
When we launched the first draft of the #LBBill we asked people to organise their own local conversations, to ensure that learning disabled people had a chance to truly get involved.
The first of these was a discussion for Disabled People’s Organisations in London:Followed by a conversation in Manchester organised by Eve Holt and PSG Speak-Up:
Today we thought we’d highlight four more opportunities that are coming up in January. Two of these have been organised specifically to talk about the #LBBill and two will cover the Bill and the wider #JusticeforLB campaign.
You can click on each picture to link to the webpages with more information about each opportunity:
London, 14 January organised by Paradigm, Brandon Trust and Generate:
Leeds, 16 January organised by Inclusion North, Change and #JusticeforLB
Manchester, 26 January organised by IHSSR at Manchester Met
London, 27 January as part of the NDTi Conference We hope that you can attend one of the events if you wish to, or that you can arrange your own locally if you’d rather.
[…] about and discuss the #LBBill face to face in January. There are four and they were all listed on Day 14 of the #JusticeforLB Advent Calendar, so swing over there to find out more (they’re in London x2, Manchester and […]