What is JusticeforLB?

JusticeforLB was established in February 2014 to campaign for Justice. This is what JusticeforLB would look like.

To achieve all of the below…

For LB

  • Staff, as appropriate, to be referred to their relevant regulatory bodies
  • A corporate manslaughter prosecution brought against the trust
  •  Meaningful involvement at the inquest, and any future investigations into LB’s death, so we can see the Trust and staff account for their actions in public

For Southern Health and the local authority

  •  Explanation from the CCG/LA about how they could commission such poor services
  •  Reassurance about how they will ensure this cannot happen again
  •  An independent investigation into the other ‘natural cause’ deaths in Southern Health learning disability and mental health provision over the past 10 years

For all the young dudes

  • A change in the law so that every unexpected death in a ‘secure’ (loose definition) or locked unit automatically is investigated independently
  • Inspection/regulation: It shouldn’t take catastrophic events to bring appalling professional behaviour to light. There is something about the “hiddenness” of terrible practices that happen in full view of health and social care professionals. Both Winterbourne and STATT had external professionals in and out. LB died and a team were instantly sent in to investigate and yet nothing amiss was noticed. Improved CQC inspections could help to change this, but a critical lens is needed to examine what ‘(un)acceptable’ practice looks like for dudes like LB
  • Prevention of the misuse/appropriation of the mental capacity act as a tool to distance families and isolate young dudes
  • An effective demonstration by the NHS to making provision for learning disabled people a complete and integral part of the health and care services provided rather than add on, ad hoc and (easily ignored) specialist provision
  • Proper informed debate about the status of learning disabled adults as full citizens in the UK, involving and led by learning disabled people and their families, and what this means in terms of service provision in the widest sense and the visibility of this group as part of ‘mainstream’ society.

7 responses to “What is JusticeforLB?”

  1. […] if there’s a bright spot here, it comes from a quite different direction. The Justice for LB campaign, coming out of the completely unnecessary death of 18-year-old Connor Sparrowhawk in […]

  2. Karan says:

    A tragic and preventable loss of a beautiful young man, I do hope you find justice to bring to account those responsible and to prevent this from ever happening again, just so sad it won’t bring this young man back

    • pat sharp says:

      totally agree with Karen/tragic was of life .Tried get support for gsonhfa/victim coercive abuse for many years/no one listens.hope you achieve justice for LB.patricia

  3. […] and family, but I’m starting to feel like a fraud. Make some noise I said, we’ll work together to get justice I promised. Almost eighteen months on I’m concerned that I’m becoming part of the […]

  4. […] The campaign for #JusticeforLB has an ambitious agenda, you can read what we’re seeking to achieve here. […]

  5. […] justice for LB has evolved over the last two years. You can see the campaign aims in detail here: http://justiceforlb.org/what-is-justiceforlb/ and members of the research team have been playing their part in campaigning for justice for LB and […]

  6. […] LB. In a nutshell #JusticeforLB is an ever evolving, organically developing, activist campaign with great ambitions. The campaign is an amazing melting pot of online and offline activity, a blend of disabled […]

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